Thursday, October 27, 2011

Persistence of Vision

Our eyes have a property of persistence of vision. It means that an after-image persists even after the original image no longer exists. This after-image persists for approximately 1/25 th of a second.
So let's say, there are some red LED. The LED blink one after another with a gap of, say, 1 second. In this case I will be able to notice a change in the state of the LED, that is whether it is ON or OFF, as shown in the video below:

Now, say I reduce this time gap to about 500 milliseconds. This is what will happen:

If I further reduce the time gap, this is what it will look like:

In the next video the time gap is of the order of micro-seconds.

So, you see, in each of the above cases, I was turning ON only one LED at a time, but as the time delay between turning ON and turning OFF reduced, all the LED seemed to be ON at a time, forming the smiley figure in the last video.
This method is used in all LED displays you might have seen, on the buses, or the railway station..etc.

Instead of the 8x8 LED matrix used above, we could also use a row of LED. 
--> For a single row of LED

Look at the diagram below. 
t1, t2..t7 have units of time. So, at each t1,t2 etc, the state of the LED will change.

Now, to display a smiley face:

Thus, at time t1, display nothing. Then at t2,t3,t4,t5,t6 display as shown in the picture.
For example, the code for the smiley face will be:

void main()
{  DDRC=0xff;   // making PortC as output port
     PORTC=0x00;   // at t1;

    PORTC=0b00001000;  // at t2  , note that the last row in PC7 and the first row in PC0

    PORTC=0b00010010;  // at t3
   PORTC=0b00010000;  // at t4
   PORTC=0b00010010;  // at t5

   PORTC=0b00001000;  // at t6

  PORTC=0x00;   // at t7
// we can ignore t8 here as it is not required. t7 was included to 
//make sure that there was sufficient space between smileys.

Now, all we need to do is move it at a high speed. Since, I couldn't find a cheap enough high rpm motor. I stuck the circuit up on my fan, the result was this :

Circuit board on the fan

Yeah, I know, the characters look a little stretched. To correct that you'll have to adjust the delay period.

One more pic:

The characters appear to be reversed because I did not take into account the direction of rotation of the fan.

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So, until next time.. Sayōnara!

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

A Robotic Arm

I wrote just the code for controlling this robot. The mechanical structure isn't mine. It had 3 degrees of motion. The robot was already assembled. The controlling chip was an ATMega16. A Potentiometre was used to sense the movement of the arm, potentiometers were used. One was used to indicate movement of the finger, other for sensing the movement of the wrist and the last one to check for the movement of the elbow.
In this video we are simply rotating the potentiometer to control the arm. Watch how it almost falls over.

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Bbye! :)

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Making a Microcontroller Circuit on a Veroboard

Most competitions do not allow use of development boards. In these cases you need to make your own circuit on a veraboard or a breadboard. A veraboard is a much suitable option.

In this post we will be making a basic circuit for an AVR Micro-controller without any peripherals.

Items you will need:

1) Veroboard
Top side of the Veroboard. Soldering is done on the bottom side.

2) IC Holder 
40 Pin IC Base for ATMega16

3) 2 Capacitors- 22pF each

4) 1 Capacitor- 100nF

5) A crystal to function as an external clock. Several are available, I used a 16 
    MegaHz crystal.

6) A voltage regulator IC 7805

7) The most important of them all, a Microcontroller (ATMega16 used here)

Now, pins like XTAL1, XTAL2, AREF, AVCC, GND, VCC, RESET are common to all microcontrollers. They may be present with a slightly different name in some, but are present in all.

Consider the pin diagram of an ATMega16

  • The crystal is connected at Pin number 12 and 13, i.e XTAL2 and XTAL13. Connect one end (any) of the crystal at Pin 12 and the other at Pin 13
  • Pin number 32 (AREF) is connected to a 100nF capacitor which is then connected to ground.
  • Pin 10 (VCC) and pin 30 (AVCC) are shorted. Pin 10 (VCC) is connected to a 5 Volt supply.
  • Pin 31 (GND) and Pin 11 (GND) are shorted and connected to ground.
  • A Voltage Regulator IC LM7805 is used. The positive terminal of the battery is connected to input of 7805, the negative is connected to middle pin of 7805 and the 3rd pin gives regulated output of 5 V for input voltage greater that 7.5 Volt.

Now, get the Veroboard out. The side shown in the picture in the beginning is the top side. No soldering is done on this side. Soldering is done below it.

First, on a rough sheet make a plan of the circuit you want to make.

Next, place the IC base at an appropriate position. If you are connecting some other components like IR LED, buzzer etc. on both sides of the Microcontroller, it is best to place the IC base in the middle. If, let's say the peripheral components are to be connected only on the right side, place your IC base on the extreme left of the veroboard, giving just enough space to place and connect a capacitor.

Once the IC base position has been decided, short (connect) Pin 10 (VCC) and Pin 30 (AVCC).
Then, short (connect) Pin 11 (GND) and Pin 31 (GND).
Make sure that the VCC and GND pins do not come in contact with each other!

Next, place the crystal and connect one of it's legs to XTAL2 and the other to XTAL1.

Then, to each leg of the crystal connect a 22pF capacitor and ground the other end of the capacitor.

Place the LM7805 IC on the veroboard.
Note: With the flat side facing away from you, it's I-G-O, i.e Input-Ground-Output

Connect the +ve terminal of the battery or the power-supply to Input pin of LM7805.
Connect the GND pin of LM7805 to the GND of the battery or the power-source.
This GND is also connected to Pin 31 and Pin 11 of the Microcontroller.
Also note, all the GND points on the circuit should be linked to each other which is finally connected to the GND (or the -ve) of the power-supply.

Connect the output pin of LM7805 to Pin 10 and Pin 30. This pin gives the 5V output supply.

The circuit will finally look like this:

Adios until next time! :)

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Image Processing (Acquisition)

 In this post we will talk about Image Acquisition and processing using Matlab.

A digital image is composed of 'pixels' which can be thought of as small dots on the screen. A typical size of an image is 512-by-512 pixels. Later on in the course you will see that it is convenient to let the dimensions of the image to be a power of 2. For example, 29=512. In the general case we say that an image is of size m-by-n if it is composed of m pixels in the vertical direction and n pixels in the horizontal direction.

Matlab has an Image Acquisition Tool Box which can be used for acquiring 

To open the toolbox, click on start -->

Toolboxes ---> Image Acquisition ---> Image Acquisition Tool (imaqtool)

Once the Image Acquisition ToolBox is open, you could start preview, view the type of camera you are using etc.

You could also do all this using MATLAB commands.

Plug in a camera to your laptop.
In the Workspace, type:
and hit enter.

You will get an output something like this:

>> imaqhwinfo

ans = 

    InstalledAdaptors: {'coreco'  'winvideo'}
        MATLABVersion: '7.6 (R2008a)'
          ToolboxName: 'Image Acquisition Toolbox'
       ToolboxVersion: '3.1 (R2008a)'

Thus by using this command we can know the adapters installed. 

Now, we want to capture the video, right?
There is a command in MATLAB called 'videoinput'. It helps you to create video input objects. 


We already got the adapter name by using the imaqhwinfo command. Winvideo and Coreco are the name of the installed adapters. Any one of them can be used.
For format, open the Image Acquisition Toolbox, it will be mentioned on the left side of the toolbox. The camera I was using was a 'YUY2_352x288'. 
In the workspace again type imaqhwinfo(write name of your adapter here) and hit enter, this will give you the device id.

>> imaqhwinfo('winvideo')

ans = 

       AdaptorDllName: 'C:\Program Files\MATLAB\R2008a\toolbox\imaq\imaqadaptors\win32\mwwinvideoimaq.dll'
    AdaptorDllVersion: '3.1 (R2008a)'
          AdaptorName: 'winvideo'
            DeviceIDs: {1x0 cell}
           DeviceInfo: [1x0 struct]

Thus, the device id is 1.

So, my videoinput statement becomes something like this:


Next --> triggerconfig
This command is used to configure the trigger settings of the video input object. i.e it defines how you want the camera to trigger, whether it should be  manual or auto.
We define it manual because we want it to start only when we need it.
remember that 'obj' is the video input object we have defined.

thus, my command statement looks like this:

Now, we need to set the number of frames we want the camera to capture every time it's triggered. For my use i set it to 1. Also, the triggering should happen continuously, thus it should also be set to infinity.


after that start(obj) initializes 'obj' which is the object defined for videoinpout. 

If you want to preview the video during run-time, give the command preview(obj) after start(obj).

Thus our code in MATLAB till now is:


To trigger the camera the command: trigger(obj), is used.
use the getdata command to get data and store it in a variable

Thus, now we have one image stored in im.

I recently took part in a competition in which I had to follow a red line by using a web-cam to see the line.
In such a case, the image that was obtained contained a red line on a white background. The preview window (which you get by using the preview(obj) command) looks like this :

This image needs to be converted into grayscale image first. A grayscale image represents an image as a matrix where every element has a value corresponding to how bright/dark the pixel at the corresponding position should be colored. 
the command rgb2gray is used to conver the image to grayscale.
The camptured image is stored in im.
Now, b stores the grayscale image.
Below are shown two grayscale images with index intensity values for the RED portion and the WHITE area.

Thus we see that there is a difference between the index values of WHITE and RED.
A function roicolor() can be used to definitely separate red and white by specifying a range of threshold index value. All values within that range will show as white and values outside that range will show as black. 


 The black portion in between the white strip where the red tape was is because of there was a high intensity reflection of the room light (see in preview image above)

Now we invert the image, i.e make the black region white and white region black, so that the region of interest shows up more clearly.

Now that we have this image, we calculate the centre of gravity of the black portion of the image. If the centre of gravity lies near the centre of the image, we send instruction to our robot to keep moving forward, else the centre of gravity lies somewhere on the right side, the bot should move right and similarly for moving left side. The range of centre of gravity needs to be decided by us. For my use, I specified that if the x coordinate of the centre of gravity was between 140 and 180 the robot should move straight, if it was above that the robot should move right else left.

The instructions were sent to the microcontroller using UART communication.
The serial port can be configured in MATLAB using these commands:

ser= serial('COM42','BaudRate',9600,'DataBits',8); 

The command fwrite(ser,'character') can be used to transmit data using UART.

At the end of the code, the serial port has to be closed and the videoinput object closed. My final code looked like this:

clear all;
close all;
ser= serial('COM42','BaudRate',9600,'DataBits',8); 
while(1)        % infinite loop

    im=getdata(obj,1);   %get the image

    im1=getdata(obj,1);  % the first time triggering occurs the image is just
                                  % noise. Thus the 2nd image is used.
    b=rgb2gray(im1);      % convert to grayscale
    a=roicolor(b,[100:118]);  %define a region of interest
                      % use disp(c) to see the values, while testing
    if (c(2)>190)
    fwrite(ser,'r');  % send move right
    elseif (c(2)<170 && c(2)>10)
    elseif c(2)<170
    fwrite(ser,'l'); % stop

stop(obj),delete(obj),clear obj;  

The function center(a) that I have used is not an inbuilt function. I would suggest you attempt to write it on your own.

This is the video of the robot following the red line.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Analog to Digital Converter (ADC)

(Circuit for IR Sensor for a Line Follower given at the end of the post)
Q1)  What is an analog signal?

In simple words, Any signal that looks like this  
is called an analog signal.

For example, if we were to plot the amplitude variation of a song with time, it would be an analog signal.
(The picture on the right is a part of amplitude variation of an actual song)

Q2) What is a digital signal?
Any signal that would look like this
is called a digital signal.                                                                                                  

The main difference between an analog signal and digital signal is that a digital signal will keep fluctuating between two fixed values i.e it will take no other value, whereas an analog signal has no such conditions.
The 'high' part of the digital signal is usually represented with a 1 and the low part with a 0.
The high part can be anything, but it must be fixed throughout. Generally, the high part should be at 5 Volts and the low part is at 0 Volt.
The process of converting an analog signal to a digital signal is called an analog to digital conversion.

It is recommended that you have the datasheet open in front of you before reading further.
Datasheets for 
1) ATMega16
2) ATMega32

Now, the MEGA series of AVR Microcontrollers (like ATMega16, ATMega32 etc) have an inbuilt ADC.
ATMega16 and ATMega32 have 8 ADC channels on PortA with PA0 being the first ADC channel and PA7 being the 8th ADC channel
The analog signal should be given at one of these channels. The analog signal is a simply varying analog signal, which can also be produced by simply making a voltage divider circuit. The circuit is shown at the end of the blog post.

Now, in the datasheet open the section for Analog to Digital Converter. Keep scrolling down till you come to ADC Multiplexer Register (ADMUX)

The register configuraton for ADMUX is as given below:

Now, bit 7 and bit 6 are the Reference Selection bits. The configuration of these bits is based on these conditions:

Note: AREF pin is pin number 32 in both ATMega16 and ATMega32

Let's assume that AREF is connected through a capacitor to ground.

Now, ATMega16/32 has a 10-bit ADC. This means that the maximum value that we can get  is :
210-1 = 1023 

The microcontroller takes samples of the incoming analog signal at a specific frequency. The frequency is defined by us. We'll come to that a little later. 
These samples are then converted to a digital value and stored in a 16 bit register called ADC Data Register. This register is made up of two 8-bit registers: ADCH (for storing the higher 8-bits) and ADCL ( for storing the lower 8-bits)
Since, it is a 10-bit ADC, by default, the lower 8 bits of the result is stored in ADCL and the most significant 2 bits are stored in ADCH.

ADLAR:  ADC Left Adjust Result
If ADLAR=0, the result is stored in ADCH and ADCL  as explained above and shown diagrammatically below.

if ADLAR is set to 1, the result is left adjusted, that means, the result is shifted towards the left by 8 places. This is a configuration.
It is shown below.
  Note this carefully, the ADC data register will be updated only after ADCH is read. Thus it is necessary to read the ADCH data register in the program.
Note: When we say read ADCH, it implies a C code statement like, k=ADCh, here k is some variable.
Thus, if we can manage with 8 bit precision (value till 255), we left adjust the result, and read only ADCH, it makes programming easier. Otherwise, ADCL must be read first and then ADCH.
Hence, by setting ADLAR=1, we get an 8 bit ADC instead of 10 bit ADC.                                                             
Thus, let ADLAR=1;
The remaining bits are used to select which ADC channel we are using. for example if we are using PA0, the last 5 bits will have  ( 00000), similarly, if we are using PA1, the last 5 bits will have  the value ( 00001 ). This is shown in the table below.

Thus, the ADMUX register can be defined as

ADMUX=0b01100000;   // if PA0 is the input

Next register of importance is ADCSRA register.

ADCSRA : ADC Control and Status Register

  • ADEN : ADC Enable
    Write this bit to 1 to enable ADC. If this bit is made 0 at any time, even when the conversion is going on, will turn off the ADC and terminate the conversion
  • ADSC: ADC Start conversion
    This bit is set to 1 to start conversion.
    These bit values need to be set outside the infinite loop. And then again inside the infinite loop. When it is set outside the infinite loop, a conversion is performed, which initializes the ADC.
    ADSC will read as 1 as long as conversion is progress. When the conversion is over it becomes 0.
    No other operation should take place on the ADC while the conversion is in pogress. This, we write a code to wait till ADSC==1;
  • ADATE: ADC Auto trigger enable
    In Auto trigger mode, we need to provide a triggering signal. If ADATE bit is set to 1, the ADC will start a conversion on the positive edge of the selected trigger signal.
  • ADIF: ADC Interrupt flag
    When the conversion is complete, an interrupt occurs and this bit is set to 1. The user needs to clear this bit after the interrupt occurs. To use any interrupts it is essential that global interrupts are enabled using the command sei();
  • ADIE: ADC Interrupt Enable.
    This bet is set to 1 by the user to enable ADC Interrupt.
ADPS2, ADPS1, ADPS0: Prescalar Bits.
Remember we were earlier talking about selecting the sampling frequency? Well, these are the bits that are used to select the sampling frequency.

Note: Nyquist criterion states the the sampling frequency must be twice the maximum frequency content of the signal. But, this is important mainly when the signal has to be reconstructed or some action needs to be performed utilizing the frequency of the incoming signal, e.g an Audio Signal. In cases like line follower sensors, there is no need to go by the Nyquist Criterion. Because we simply need to sample the incoming values

ADC Sampling frequency = (Clock Frequency of the Microcontroller/Division Factor)

Set these bits to (000) outside the infinite loop. Set to (001 or above as required) inside the infinite loop or just set it to (001 or above) outside the infinite loop itself.

Now, we write the sample code, assuming that I have only one input connected at PA0

unsigned char k;
void main()
   ADMUX=0b01100000;    // setting ADLAR to 1
  {    ADCSRA|=(1<<ADSC);          // start conversion
       while(ADCSRA&(1<<ADSC));  // wait here till ADSC is 1
       k=ADCH;                             // conversion is complete, store the result in a variable.
/* Once we have the ADC value stored, we can do whatever further is required, compare, display etc.

Please note that at one instant of time only one ADC channel can be used.
Now, what if we have to use multiple ADC Channels??

In this case we will enable one channel, store the ADC value, then disable it and enable another channel.
Since, this process happens in a matter of micro-seconds, in 'human' terms, all the channels are being sampled nearly simultaneously.

Code to use multiple ADC Channels

Assuming that one analog input is at PA0 and another at PA1. 


void main()
   ADMUX=0b01100000;    // setting ADLAR to 1, initially selecting PA0
  {  ADMUX=0b01100000;    // select PA0 
     ADCSRA|=(1<<ADSC);          // start conversion
     while(ADCSRA&(1<<ADSC));  // wait here till ADSC is 1
    ADMUX=0b01100001;     // select PA1
    ADCSRA|=(1<<ADSC);          // start conversion
    while(ADCSRA&(1<<ADSC));  // wait here till ADSC is 1
   // Similarly repeat for as many (max. 8) channels required.
You can build a simple Voltage divider circuit to learn ADC.
For a voltage divider circuit, the output voltage (Vout) when converted to decimal will give a result (d) which can be calculated using the formula:

((Vout)x(Vref)/(255) )=d
Vref here is 5V.
For 8 bit ADC the denominator is 255. For 10 bit ADC, the denominator is 1023, (210-1)

Those of you trying to make a line follower, if you are going to use ADC, you can use the circuit for the line sensor shown below. The line marked output is given as input to one of the ADC channels of the microcontroller.

In case of any doubt, or if you need help in doing a project using ADC, please leave a comment below.

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